Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Web Slice

This artwork was done by me all in illustrator using shapes and pen tool by moving points around to create the desired effect. I exported it to a jpeg and then took it into Photoshop to slice it up and save it for the web where I then took the pieces into Dreamweaver. There I had made them as a background on a div tag and set the box height and width. There were a few issues that I had had with Dreamweaver so I had to re-slice a few time but it turned out well. Not exactly as I desired because i couldn't quite figure out how to get 3 specific eggs to become links in the places that they are in to make them go to a separate links. I still would like to figure that one out. All in all, it turned out well.


Here is a cover for a Magazine at Pierce College. The photos were taken by me and I had added the text in Photoshop. I was a bit pressed with time and it turned out nice but not quite what I wanted. i would have liked to have done something a little more out there for the cover but because I was lacking in time I had chosen to take two photos that I had and just add some text to then and then make the little folio's in Illustrator with the pen tool.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Here is my shapes that were done all in after effects and then taken to premiere pro to add music. It turned out very well, the way I expected it to although after watching it I was wondering what I was thinking. I was actually trying to match a shape or two to a beat but I changed my mind last minute

Monday, February 9, 2015

Thematic Text

Pictures of the Thematic Text using Photoshop. It turned out very well.

Graphic Tablet Drawing

Here is my drawing done in Illustrator with must a graphics tablet. I had a hart time drawing this out because I wasn't used to the tablet and I am so used to moving the paper around when I draw on a piece of paper. It turned out okay, I thought it could have been better but this was also my first time drawing with a graphics tablet.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Pop-up Book

Pop up book!

Using After Effects, I had created a pop up book. Did it work out? Sort of. Not one of my best pieces of work but it does what it needs to do, all the pictures are a sky scene with a grass ground. Looks alright but given the chance, I would create another that looked better than this one.


Gallery Site! -   
Turned out Fairly well, I had a difficult time getting a picture on the background but I was also working in Dreamweaver CS6 because I only had a trial version of Dreamweaver CC and it ended. I had a bit of issues posting it at first and I'm still not sure why but it worked out in the end and turned out fairly well even though the background could have been a bit darker of a color since it was suppose to be of a night scene thanks to the pictures.